video game

any of various interactive games played using a specialized electronic gaming device or a computer or mobile device and a television or other display screen, along with a means to control graphic images.
any of various games played using a microchip-controlled device, as an arcade machine or hand-held toy.
Also called electronic game.
Examples from the web for video game
  • It's not quite a video game and it's not quite an e-book, but it's somewhere in between.
  • And now comes more good news for video game aficionados.
  • It's no secret to illustrators that some of the best work to be undertaken these days is in video game concept art.
  • They trained macaques to play a simple video game using a joystick.
  • video game players may get an unexpected benefit from blowing away bad guys-better vision.
  • The video game's sound effects seem to fade behind a muffling curtain of suspense.
  • Maybe it's a video game you can't stop playing or a shopping mall that seems to swallow your wallet.
  • So playing a video game on my mobile device actually boosts my concentration.
  • Read video game reviews and gaming news, find online arcade games, and buy video games.
  • Members of the video game industry responded with praise for the decision.
British Dictionary definitions for video game

video game

any of various games that can be played by using an electronic control to move points of light or graphical symbols on the screen of a visual display unit
Encyclopedia Article for video game

computer game

any interactive game operated by computer circuitry. The machines, or "platforms," on which electronic games are played include general-purpose shared and personal computers, arcade consoles, video consoles connected to home television sets, and handheld game machines. The term video game can be used to represent the totality of these formats, or it can refer more specifically only to games played on devices with video displays: television and arcade consoles

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